CSR at Firebrand
To develop a sustainable future, you need to think about meeting today’s needs and protecting the environment and resources for the future.
To develop sustainably means:
Understanding how to meet the needs of the present without compromising the needs of future generations to meet their own needs.
Brundtland Commission 1987
Looking back to 2017, Firebrand created ‘Project Green’. This initiative was the start of our journey where we considered how we buy, the products we sourced and how we took them to market. Project Green was a learning curve for Firebrand and has been developing since. Overtime, we have received continuous training as a team, worked with key supply partners to source products with a lower environmental impact that uses sustainably sourced materials in its production. Our team are well equipped to help you with the process of selecting and using branded merchandise with sustainable attributes as part of your marketing mix.
When deciding on your branded product assortment, a key part of the selection process is considering the end of life of those products. A low-cost product ordered in high volume was the preferred approach of many of our clients, but it is important to weigh up mass marketing with short lifespan merchandise and the impact this has on the planet.
When brainstorming your branded merchandise mix it is worth weighing this up and considering:
- Does it use recycled, natural, or organic materials?
- Can it be reused, and does it have longevity, meaning you get a good return on investment?
- Are the products you’re choosing part of a circular economy?
- Is it biodegradable or compostable?
- Has a Lifetime Cycle Analysis of the product been conducted to show the impact a product has on the planet?
- Is the product made locally to your business?
- Is a social contribution made to support different causes when the product is purchased?
- Can the merchandise’s CO2 footprint be offset via Gold Standard Projects? Check out Firebrand’s The Offset Collection
- How is it packaged, and can the packaging be made functional?
Vision Statement
Supporting a motivated team that enjoys supplying sustainable branded merchandise via an approved base of supply chain partners. It is our goal to be the best at what we do, while helping to support and contribute towards our customers own CSR strategy.
Explore our 4 pillars
Get in Touch
Let's discuss how we can help your business reduce on merchandise waste.
It's important for brands like ours to help the environment. It will also help to keep your brand in front of your audience for longer whilst helping our planet.
Why not challenge us? Let us know which branded merchandise you usually buy, and we will find a lower impact alternative for you.
get in touch