Quality & Environmental Policy

At Firebrand Promotions, we know and understand that we are part of a bigger system of people, values, other organisations, and nature. This document represents our company policy and refers to our responsibility towards our environment, our staff and extended communities and good governance.

As one of the UK’s leading Promotional Merchandise suppliers, we are committed to ensuring the customers experience is best in class. We are committed to achieving and maintaining ISO9001, ISO14001, ESG rating and to strive to continually improve what we do for the benefits of our client’s, staff, and other stakeholders through;

  • Operating a quality and environmental management system that integrates organisational structure, procedures, processes, and resources.
  • Ensuring staff are fully aware of this, the detailed environmental policy, and the important part they play in meeting our organisational objectives.
  • Measuring and analysing the carbon footprint, reducing waste, and incorporating energy efficient measures into our business activities.
  • Working with our customers, suppliers and service providers to continually develop partnerships that improve the quality, reduce the environmental impacts and uphold the highest standards of social enterprise for all of the products and services we offer.
  • Educate and train our staff to continually improve their skills, awareness and knowledge and thereby cultivate a culture of ongoing innovation and improvement.
  • Share our knowledge with customers and educate them to be able to make informed decisions when purchasing branded merchandise with sustainable credentials, this can be through accreditation of suppliers, materials or the CO2 calculation of products, where available.
  • Identify, prevent, report, investigate and resolve all non-conformances, health and safety incidents or complaints and take action to prevent reoccurrence. To avoid harm to our staff, visitors and the general population that may be impacted by our activities.
  • To establish and maintain a safe, inclusive, and diverse work environment, that promotes equal and fair opportunities, and operates at the highest levels of transparency and integrity.
  • Maintain our reputation by ensuring the company meets all regulatory, statutory obligations and codes of practice that apply to our business.
  • To challenge ourselves to seek continuous improvement through the Management review process and implement product or service improvements as they are identified.


June 2022


More about our certificates

Quality Management

At Firebrand Promotions Ltd, we strive to understand, meet, and exceed the needs and expectations of our customers and stakeholders through consistent delivery of products with outstanding customer care. To succeed, we maintain a UKAS accredited ISO9001:2015 Quality Management System.

The ISO9001 system is a quality assurance framework that ensures consistent and reliable service. The system is supported by documented policies and procedures and reinforced by industry best practice. These are reviewed and whenever the business undergoes significant change through a robust internal audit program. The system also undergoes annual review by an external auditor to ensure conformance to the standard.


Environmental Management

We are committed to improving the sustainability of their activities and operations and leading by example, for the benefit of the environment and society. It is our policy is to reduce the impact of our organisations operations on the environment, through its strategic initiatives which seek to reduce our overall carbon footprint, as well as engage with suppliers and partners who share this vision.

To help achieve this, we have implemented an environmental management system which provides the framework to identify and monitor our environmental impacts. We have taken the additional steps to implement and maintain a UKAS accredited ISO14001:2015 Environmental Management System that is externally verified on an annual basis and regularly undertake our own internal audits to help measure our performance against our environmental improvement goals.



Our Corporate, Social Responsibility commitments are built around four critical areas:

  • Employees & People: We take seriously our responsibilities to create an equal opportunities environment that fosters an inclusive and diverse working environment. We believe in leading by example in areas such as workplace safety, health and wellness, diversity and inclusion, and training and development.
  • Ethics: We are committed to doing the right thing, conducting ourselves in a legal, ethical, and trustworthy manner, upholding our regulatory obligations, and complying with both the letter and spirit of our business policies.
  • Engagement: We understands that it takes all of us working together to truly have an impact. As such, we partner with organizations who share in our vision. We also seek to engage with workforce suppliers who operate using socially responsible business practices.

To ensure that we continue to work towards our environmental and social responsibility goals, we have taken the extra steps to have our Environmental and Social Impacts measured through the Ecovadis ratings system.


United Nations Global Compact

The United Nations Global Compact is a call to companies everywhere to align their operations and strategies with Ten Principles in the areas of human rights, labour, environment, and anti-corruption. Our ambition is to accelerate and scale the global collective impact of business by upholding the Ten Principles and delivering the Sustainable Development Goals through accountable companies and ecosystems that enable change. With more than 15,000 companies and 3,800 non-business signatories based in over 160 countries, and 69 Local Networks, the UN Global Compact is the world’s largest corporate sustainability initiative. One Global Compact uniting business for a better world.

As part of our commitment to sustainable and responsible business practices, Firebrand Promotions has embedded the Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact into strategies and operations, and committed to respecting human and labour rights, safeguarding the environment, and working against corruption in all its forms.