Sell without selling

sell without selling

Great gifts to help you sell without selling.

Merchandising can be a very valuable way of connecting with your desired customers. Corporate give-aways can help to reaffirm products or brand names in your mind. There are several large corporations who seem to have done this very well. Apple, McDonalds, Kellogg’s or even luxury brands such as LVMH are well known for giving away freebies, from stickers to food and electronics. This way, they sell without selling.

But more importantly, small businesses can get in on this action too. As long as your objectives are well thought out, your freebies may sell themselves. Statistics have shown that prior to receiving a promotional product, 55% of people said they would have done business with the advertiser. After receiving a promotional product, 85% of people did business with the advertiser.

So make sure you pick products that communicate the right message about your business which will help to reaffirm new relationships. For example, if you’re in financial services pick something practical and reliable. Whereas if you work in advertising something unusual and fun may be better.

At Firebrand we have access to over 25,000 different products. So, whatever you want to say about your brand, we can help!