Offline marketing strategies for B2B brands

Offline marketing strategies for B2B brands
It’s clear to see that online marketing has taken the lead in our marketing activity over the past few years. However, whilst digital marketing is an excellent method to use, it’s important that you still include some traditional, offline marketing into your mix.
We’ve put together a few different offline marketing strategies that still work and can provide excellent results…
Physical branding
Your brand is more likely to stick in the mind of someone when they have seen your logo or message through physical branding. Humans are extremely visual, so anything that they can interact with will return benefits for your brand.
Physical branding opportunities are everywhere; from t-shirts to hats, lanyards to name badges and even notebooks or bags of sweets. The more creative you can get, the more likely you are to be seen and remembered.
Getting your logo and/or message out into the world will attract new and potentially more attention than just letting people see it online.
Sponsoring events, networking sessions and being a part of worthy causes are a great way to get your business offline and connecting with real people. The power of face-to-face interaction is huge. We tend to recall real-life conversations rather than ones we have online.
Attending or exhibiting at trade shows are also a great way of meeting new business professionals from various different brands from different sectors.
If you’ve got a space in your office, you could loan it out to other businesses, that way your customers become associated with your brand and your space becomes a comfortable environment for them to work in.
Business cards
Investing in well-made business cards is one of the simplest yet effective ways of getting your business out there. Choose a unique design that reflects your brands values and creativity.
Ensure that everyone in your company has their own business card to giveaway as you’ll never know when you may need to give one to prospective clients. We can also supply RFID business cards that you place next to your contactless card(s) to protect it from any unwanted scanning or accidental payments. Click here to contact us about RFID business cards today!
Printed marketing materials
Whilst flyer printing may seem like an old tactic, it can still return results. There are lots of different ways that you can get creative with flyers and pamphlets, so make sure yours are practical for reading, keeping and saving.
You could put informative infographics into your flyers or add discount coupons at the bottom of your flyers to ensure they’re kept.
Celebrate occasions with your clients
Use occasions as a way of engaging with your clients. You can send out a card and a small gift to celebrate a holiday or milestone events. You don’t have to spend a lot of your marketing budget either as a well-designed giveaway or small token can show your client that your brand cares and that they matter to you.
To make the occasion memorable for your client, you can send anniversary cards with special discounts or a couple of months before Christmas, send them a gift that they’ll be able to use throughout the coming year.
Virtual Reality
An on-trend innovation that integrates online and offline into one reality.
Different companies are using virtual reality in many different ways, for example Disney World use it as part of their interactive games and rides as well as car companies using them to show off a driving experience without actually moving the car.
Get in touch with our friendly team to discuss VR and AR…