Moving Forward After Brexit


Results of Brexit…

The outcome of Brexit has been counted. The UK have voted to exit the European Union. The marketing industry has reacted with intrigue according to Marketing Week Magazine.

As a result of the votes, they came back with the UK wanting to leave the EU. The leave vote came in at a close result of 52%, even though London, Scotland and Northern Ireland all backing to remain in the EU. The leave campaign are celebrating their victory.

Regardless of the initial negative impact of Brexit, new opportunities have arisen for marketers. The UK remains strong as a global player. Within the newly developed economic markets, there are new opportunities further afield that can be solidified once the dust settles.

As marketers and advertisers will have to join the bigger arena and up the creativity and inventiveness to prove and retain our position globally. At Firebrand, we believe that uncertainty breeds opportunity. Showing our valuable traits and our position as a leader in the promotional merchandise industry is something we plan on doing moving forward.